UPDATE 10/31/21: AI aim, system commands

Update time!

I’ve updated the aim of the AI’s so that they “lead” the target.

Specifically, the AI calculates how long the bullet will take to reach its target, and then fires at where the target will be the calculated amount of time in the future.

Because of this, I had to lower the AI’s firing rate otherwise they would be way too overpowered.

Also, I added “system commands”: Press the ‘e’ key to enter one.

When you submit a command (format: [setting]=[value]), the game restarts with that selected setting changed to that selected value.

Example settings:

  • sp (Short for ‘spectating’. When spectating, there is no player, and the ‘f’ key switches focus between crafts. Value is either ‘True’ or ‘False’)
  • fr (Short for ‘framerate’. If you don’t have a mouse, a lower framerate can make up for the lower level of control. The default value is 60.)
  • wl (Short for ‘win level’. The win level controls the level of ‘hits’ that a player must achieve to end the game. The default value is 7.)
  • sb (Short for ‘self bot’. If this is activated, your player is controlled by a bot rather than yourself. Value is either ‘True’ or ‘False’)
  • b.f (Short for ‘bot -> firing rate’. This setting controls the number of milliseconds between each of the bot’s bullet firings. The default value is 18.)
  • s.ts (Short for ‘ship -> top speed’. This setting controls the top speed of all of the crafts. Default value is 10 pixels per frame.)

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